عزيزي الطالب،،،،،

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أرجو التفضل بالعلم بأن يوم الخميس الموافق 2023/03/16 هو آخر موعد لإجراء امتحان غير مكتمل للطلبة الذين ينطبق عليهم شروط اكمال العلامة (طلبة البكالوريوس) لذا عليك مراجعة مدرس المساق لاكمال العلامة. يرجى الإلتزام بالموعد المحدد وبعد هذا التاريخ سيتم رصد علامة صفر لكل طالب لم يتقدم للإمتحان.

متمنيين لكم التوفيق،،،،

على الطلبة الذين تقدمو بطلب تحويل من تخصص لاخر لكلية الفنون الجميلة ونتيجة الطلب (موافق عليه)

والطلبة الذين تقدمو بطلب قبول للبرنامج العادي والموازي لكلية الفنون الجميله ونتيجة الامتحان ناجح ونتيجة الطلب (مقبول)

مراجعة مكتب (118) في دائرة القبول والتسجيل لاستكمال الاجراءات لغاية يوم الخميس الموافق 3-3-2022


Please note that the deadline for paying the university fees is the end of Monday, 1-04-2019. Thereafter, the registration of students who did not pay for the fees will be cancelled.


The Languages Center at Yarmouk University announces extending registration in the Arabic language teachers training course for speakers of other languages on Saturdays, from 6/4/2019 to 25/5/2019, by (48) training hours, (36) theoretical hours and (12) practical hours.

The course prepares those who wish to teach the Arabic language to speakers of other languages by offering the following topics and titles: Methods of teaching different linguistic skills, texts and examinations, designing curricula, teacher and learner, and content classes.

Qualified and experienced staff in the field will train the participants.

Course fees: (250) JDs, paid in cash upon registration.

For enquiries and registration, please call: 0796557734


The deanship of scientific research and postgraduate studies is pleased to announce the start of receiving the following applications of the Scientific research awards for the academic year 2018/2019:

- best faculty in scientific research

- Best Researcher

-- Best Graduate Thesis for the academic year 2018/2019

Deadline for the faculties' nominations is 11/4/2019

To apply for the awards, please log onto the following link and fill in the forms and submit them to the relevant departments.


Registration for the Arabic language teachers course for speakers of other languages is now open on Saturdays between 23/3 – 11/5/ 2019, with 48 training hours, (36) theoretical hours, and (12) practical hours.

The course prepares those who wish to teach the Arabic language to speakers of other languages by offering the following themes and titles: Methods of teaching different linguistic skills, texts and examinations, designing curricula, teacher and learner, and content classes.

Qualified and experienced staff in the field will train the participants.

Course fees: (250) JDs, paid in cash upon registration.

For enquiries and registration, please call: 0796557734

Note: The course is cancelled if the required number is not completed.  



In accordance with the Prime Minister directions, and based on the cooperation between Yarmouk University and the Civil Services Bureau, the following persons should review Yarmouk University to attend the competitive examination for mathematics teacher job on Thursday, 7/3/2019 at 10 a.m. in the multi-purpose Hall /third floor in main building/ Model School.

  1. Name ID number
  2. Ala' Akram Mohammad Al-Shu'eib 9851009534
  3. Nadeem Mohammad Abdulla Al-Ali 9951054082
  4. Bashar Hasan Ali Ababneh 9901052840
  5. Hamzeh Ahmad Rudwan Obeidat 9951008275

* please bring your identity cards.

*The University reserves its rights regarding the recruitment process.

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